In the unpredictable battlegrounds of BGMI, a player's survival often hinges on their ability to adapt and optimize their weaponry. Weapon attachments play a pivotal role in this quest for supremacy, offering a myriad of options to fine-tune your firearms. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the diverse world of muzzle, rail, magazine, and stock attachments, uncovering the secrets to maximizing your firepower.
1. Muzzle Choke Attaches To: Choke (SG) on Sawed-off, S1897, S686
The Muzzle Choke is the shotgun enthusiast's best friend, narrowing pellet spread and making those long-range engagements a feasible feat. Perfect for those who prefer precision over spray-and-pray tactics.
2. Muzzle Compensators Attaches To: Compensator (AR, DMR, S12K) on AKM, M416, SCAR-L, and more
Compensators come in various sizes, catering to different weapon types. These attachments are a recoil-controlling force, turning automatic rifles and designated marksman rifles into laser-focused instruments of destruction.
3. Muzzle Flash Hiders Attaches To: Flash Hider (AR, DMR, S12K) on AKM, M416, Mini 14, and others
Hiding in plain sight is an art form, and the Muzzle Flash Hider masters it. By minimizing muzzle flash, this attachment keeps you concealed during those critical moments, especially in low-light scenarios.
4. Muzzle Suppressors Attaches To: Suppressor (AR, DMR, S12K) on M416, SKS, QBZ95, and more
The epitome of stealth, the Muzzle Suppressor reduces both muzzle flash and gunshot noise. Ideal for those who prefer to operate in the shadows, silently eliminating adversaries without compromising weapon performance.
1. Lower Rail Attachments From angled foregrips to laser pointers, lower rail attachments enhance stability and accuracy. Fine-tune your weapon's handling with grips tailored to your playstyle.
2. Upper Rail Attachments The upper rail is where optics shine. Whether you prefer a red dot sight for close encounters or an 8x CQBSS Scope for long-range precision, customization is key to dominating the battlefield.
1. Extended Magazines Attaches To: Various rifles, DMRs, and shotguns
Extended magazines provide the firepower needed to outlast your opponents in intense firefights. Ensure you have the right magazine for your weapon to maintain a continuous stream of fire.
1. Stock Attachments Bullet loops, cheek pads, and tactical stocks impact stability and handling. Sniper rifles benefit from bullet loops and cheek pads, while tactical stocks enhance control for rifles and SMGs.
In BGMI, customization is the key to victory. Knowing how each attachment transforms your weapon allows you to adapt to diverse scenarios on the battlefield. Whether you're fine-tuning your shotgun for precision or transforming your rifle into a silenced assassin, understanding the nuances of attachments elevates your gameplay. So, gear up, experiment with attachments, and step onto the battlegrounds armed with the knowledge to conquer all challenges.
Img | Name | Attaches To |
Icon | Muzzle Choke | Choke (SG) on Sawed-off, S1897, S686 |
Icon | Muzzle Compensator Large | Compensator (AR, DMR, S12K) on AKM, M416, SCAR-L, S12K, SLR, SKS, Mini 14, Mk14 EBR, QBZ95, QBU, Beryl M762, Mk47, G36C, ACE32 |
Icon | Muzzle Compensator SniperRifle | Compensator (DMR, SR) on M24, AWM, SKS, Kar98k, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14, SLR, QBU |
Icon | Muzzle Compensator Medium | Compensator (SMG) on Micro UZI, PP-19 Bizon, UMP9, Vector |
Icon | Duckbill | Duckbill (SG) on S1897, S12K |
Icon | Muzzle FlashHider Large | Flash Hider (AR, DMR, S12K) on AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L S12K, SLR, SKS, Mini 14, Mk14 EBR, QBZ95, QBU, Beryl M762, G36C, ACE32 |
Icon | Muzzle FlashHider SniperRifle | Flash Hider (DMR, SR) on M24, AWM, SKS, Kar98k, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14, SLR, QBU |
Icon | Muzzle FlashHider Medium | Flash Hider (SMG) on Micro UZI, PP-19 Bizon, UMP9, Vector |
Icon | Muzzle Suppressor Large | Suppressor (AR, DMR, S12K) on AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, S12K, Groza, AUG A3, SLR, SKS, Mini 14, Mk14 EBR, QBZ95, QBU, Beryl M762, Mk47, G36C, ACE32 |
Icon | Muzzle Suppressor SniperRifle | Suppressor (DMR, SR) on M24, AWM, SKS, Kar98k, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14, SLR, QBU |
Icon | Muzzle Suppressor Medium | Suppressor (Handgun, SMG) on MP5K, Micro UZI, P18C, P1911, P92, PP-19 Bizon, R1895, Skorpion, Tommy Gun, UMP45, Vector |
1. Lower Rail Attachments
Img | Name | Attaches To |
Icon | Lower AngledForeGrip | Angled Foregrip (AR, SMG, DMR) on M416, SCAR-L, UMP9, SKS, AUG A3, Beryl M762, Mk47, G36C, MP5K, ACE32 |
Icon | Half Grip | Half Grip on M416, SCAR-L, UMP9, Vector, SKS, AUG A3, KRISS Vector, QBZ95, Mk47, Skorpion, MP5K, Beryl M762, ACE32 |
Icon | Lower LaserPointer | Laser Sight on P18C, P1911, P92, R45, UMP9, Vector, AUG A3, Beryl M762, M416, Mk47 Mutant, QBZ, SCAR-L, SKS, Skorpion, G36C, MP5K, Deagle, ACE32 |
Icon | Light Grip | Light Grip on M416, SCAR-L, UMP9, SKS, AUG A3, KRISS Vector, QBZ95, Beryl M762, Mk47, Skorpion, G36C, MP5K, ACE32 |
Icon | Quiver for Crossbow | Quiver for Crossbow on Crossbow |
Icon | Thumb Grip | Thumb Grip on M416, SCAR-L, UMP9, SKS, AUG A3, QBZ95, Mk47, MP5K, ACE32 |
Icon | Lower Foregrip | Vertical Foregrip on M416, SCAR-L, UMP9, KRISS Vector, Tommy Gun, Skorpion, AUG A3, QBZ95, Mk47, SKS, G36C, MP5K, Beryl M762, ACE32 |
2. Upper Rail Attachments
Img | Name | Attaches To |
Icon | Upper PM2 01 | 15x PM II Scope on SKS, Kar98k, M24, AWM, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14, SLR, QBU |
Icon | Upper Aimpoint2X 01 | 2x Aimpoint Scope on UMP9, AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, SKS, S12K, M249, MG3, Kar98k, M24, AWM, KRISS Vector, OTs-14 Groza, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14, DP-28, AUG A3, SLR, QBZ95, QBU, Beryl M762, Mk47, G36C, MP5K, ACE32 |
Icon | Upper 3x | 3x Backlit Scope on UMP9, AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, SKS, S12K, M249, MG3, Kar98k, M24, AWM, KRISS Vector, OTs-14 Groza, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14, DP-28, AUG A3, SLR, QBZ95, QBU, Beryl M762, Mk47, G36C, MP5K, ACE32 |
Icon | Upper ACOG 01 | 4x ACOG Scope on UMP9, AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, SKS, S12K, M249, MG3, Kar98k, M24, AWM, KRISS Vector, Groza, SKS, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14, DP-28, AUG A3, SLR, Crossbow, QBZ95, QBU, Beryl M762, Mk47, G36C, MP5K, ACE32 |
Icon | Upper 6x | 6x Scope on Crossbow, UMP45, AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, SKS, S12K, M249, MG3, Kar98k, M24, AWM, KRISS Vector, OTs-14 Groza, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14, DP-28, AUG A3, SLR, QBZ95, QBU, Beryl M762, Mk47, G36C, MP5K, ACE32 |
Icon | Upper CQBSS | 8x CQBSS Scope on SKS, Kar98k, M24, AWM, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14, SLR, QBU |
Icon | Upper Canted sight | Canted sight on Beryl M762, AWM, AUG A3, M416,Mk47 Mutant, QBZ, SCAR-L, G36C, SLR, Mini 14, Mk14 EBR, QBU, SKS, AWM, M24, Kar98k, UMP9, KRISS Vector, PP-19 Bizon, S12K, M249, MP5K, ACE32 |
Icon | Upper Holosight | Holographic Sight on AKM, AUG A3, AWM, Beryl M762, Crossbow, DP-28, G36C, Groza, Kar98k, M16A4, M249, MG3, M24, M416, MP5K, Mini 14, Mk14 EBR, Mk47 Mutant, P18C, P1911, P92, PP-19 Bizon, QBU, QBZ95, R45, S12K, SCAR-L, SKS, SLR, Skorpion, UMP9, Vector, MP5K, Deagle, Micro UZI, ACE32 |
Icon | Upper DotSight 01 | Red Dot Sight on UMP45, AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, S12K, M249, MG3, Kar98k, M24, AWM, SKS, Crossbow, Vector, Groza, P18C, P1911, P92, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14, DP-28, AUG A3, R45, SLR, QBZ95, QBU, Beryl M762, Mk47, Skorpion, G36C, MP5K, Deagle, Micro UZI, ACE32 |
1. Extended Magazines
Img | Name | Attaches To |
Icon | Magazine Extended Large | Extended Mag (AR, DMR, S12K) on AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, S12K, Groza, AUG A3, SLR, SKS, Mini 14, Mk14 EBR, QBZ95, QBU, Beryl M762, Mk47, G36C, ACE32 |
Icon | Magazine Extended SniperRifle | Extended Mag (DMR, SR) on M24, AWM, SKS, VSS, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14, SLR, QBU |
Icon | Magazine Extended Medium | Extended Mag (Handgun, SMG) on MP5K, Micro UZI, P18C, P1911, P92, Skorpion, Tommy Gun, UMP45, Vector, MP5K, Deagle |
2. QuickDraw Magazines
Img | Name | Attaches To |
Icon | Magazine ExtendedQuickDraw Large | Extended QuickDraw Mag (AR, DMR, S12K) on AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, S12K, Groza, AUG A3, SLR, SKS, Mini 14, Mk14 EBR, QBZ95, QBU, Beryl M762, Mk47, G36C, ACE32 |
Icon | Magazine ExtendedQuickDraw SniperRifle | Extended QuickDraw Mag (DMR, SR) on M24, AWM, SKS, VSS, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14, SLR, QBU |
Icon | Magazine ExtendedQuickDraw Medium | Extended QuickDraw Mag (Handgun, SMG) on MP5K, Micro UZI, P18C, P1911, P92, Tommy Gun, UMP45, Vector, MP5K, Skorpion |
Icon | Magazine QuickDraw Large | QuickDraw Mag (AR, DMR, S12K) on AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, S12K, Groza, AUG A3, SLR, SKS, Mini 14, Mk14 EBR, QBZ95, QBU, Beryl M762, Mk47, G36C, ACE32 |
Icon | Magazine QuickDraw SniperRifle | QuickDraw Mag (DMR, SR) on M24, AWM, SKS, VSS, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14, SLR, QBU |
Icon | Magazine QuickDraw Medium | QuickDraw Mag (Handgun, SMG) on MP5K, Micro UZI, P18C, P1911, P92, Tommy Gun, UMP45, Vector, MP5K |
1. Stock Attachments
Img | Name | Attaches To |
Icon | Stock SniperRifle BulletLoops | Bullet Loops (SG, Win94, Kar98k) on S1897, S686, Kar98k, Win94 |
Icon | Stock SniperRifle CheekPad | Cheek Pad (DMR, SR) on M24, AWM, Kar98k, SKS, VSS, Mk14 EBR, SLR |
Icon | Stock UZI | Stock for Micro UZI on Micro UZI, Skorpion |
Icon | Stock AR Composite | Tactical Stock on M416, Vector, MP5K, M249, M16A4, Mk47 Mutant, ACE32 |
Armed with this knowledge, venture into the battlegrounds with confidence, knowing that your weapon attachments are finely tuned for victory. Whether you prefer a stealthy approach or aggressive tactics, the right attachments can make all the difference in the ultimate quest for the elusive chicken dinner.
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